Category: Transition to Work

TtW Job Seekers Graduate Rail Infrastructure Pre-Employment Program

Congratulations to Global Skills TtW job seekers Bailey, Elias, and Orlando for successfully completing the Rail Infrastructure Pre-Employment Program, with thanks to certified Supply Nation Supplier 100% Indigenous owned RTO YAKKA and Gosford RSL.

Mya’s Story: “I Found TtW Really Helpful”

Mya, a participant in Global Skills Transition to Work (TtW) program, wasn’t sure of her career direction once she finished school. She had been working in retail while studying but eventually found herself looking for something new.

Global Skills Joins Central Coast Future Choices Expo

Global Skills staff, Jennifer and Simon, at our Future Choices Expo stand behind a table displaying branded merchandise and flyers, showcasing our services.

Last week, Global Skills had the privilege of participating in the Central Coast Future Choices Expo, presented by Career Links, and run in conjunction with the National Disability Coordination Officer Program and the NSW Department of Education Support Teachers.

International Youth Day 2024

On Monday, the Global Skills Central Coast Transition to Work (TtW) teams had the pleasure of celebrating International Youth Day with our young people.

Global Skills At Mingaletta Youth Yarn Up

Chloe and Aunty Di standing in front of a Mingaletta banner

Last week, Global Skills had the wonderful opportunity to participate in the ‘Mingaletta Youth Yarn Up’. This event invited Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young community members to connect with local youth services and activities on the Central Coast.

Supporting Job Seekers On The Central Coast 

2 TtW staff sitting at our stall

Yesterday, Global Skills had the wonderful opportunity to participate in the Sydney North & West Local Jobs Essentials Day at Central Coast Leagues Club in Gosford.

Congratulations Trinity!

Tiffany with her employers

Congratulations to Trinity, a job seeker at Global Skills Gosford, for securing a Certificate III Dental Assistant Traineeship with Reeves Dental Surgery at Umina Beach.