Tag: employment services sydney

Dan’s Testimonial to “Inspire Others”

A forklift operator navigates a warehouse aisle, with high shelves stacked with boxes on both sides

Dan recently celebrated 6 months in his role as a Forklift Operator. He wanted to share a testimonial about the support he received from Global Skills Campbelltown, as he believes “testimonials can inspire others.”

Congrats Certificate III Supply Chain Graduates – The Entrance

A busy warehouse environment

Congratulations to our latest Certificate III in Supply Chain Operations graduates. Nine job seekers have successfully completed the course at Global Skills The Entrance, with thanks to the NSW Government’s Smart and Skilled program and RTO United Transport Solutions.

First Nations Recruitment Drive at Global Skills Liverpool

Recruitment day partners

On Tuesday, we hosted a First Nations Recruitment Drive at Global Skills Liverpool in partnership with Sydney South West Local Jobs Program, MobReady, MTC Australia and the Australian Retail Institute.

Mental Health Awareness Month: Stronger Together Event 2024

Photo of event organisers

Last Wednesday, in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, Global Skills was proud to partner with Uniting NSW/ACT, headspace Chatswood, and Willoughby Council to host an inaugural ‘Stronger Together – Youth & Community Wellness’ event at Chatswood Mall.

Jesse’s Story

Hands from a food truck window passing salad rolls to another set of hands

When job seeker Jesse joined Global Skills Disability Employment Services, she was determined to gain work despite physical challenges from previous cancer treatment.

Carly’s Story: I’d Lost Touch With How to Apply for Jobs 

Female hand scanning a barcode on a label attached to a box

The Work Readiness Team and Global Skills gave me the guidance I needed and the confidence that there are employers out there who want to hire people with my skills, including those who have been justice involved.

Lana’s Journey Back to Work

Lana wearing her uniform which includes the Residenz logo

When Lana joined Global Skills Lake Haven in 2022, she was seeking support to navigate a dramatically changed job search landscape since looking for work as a teenager.

Global Skills Collaborates for Mental Health Month Event

hands reaching in towards the middle to words which read, 'stronger together: youth and community wellbeing event

In NSW, Mental Health Month is observed annually throughout October. In recognition of this important month, Global Skills has partnered with Uniting NSW/ACT, Headspace Chatswood, and Willoughby Council to host an event called ‘Stronger Together – Youth & Community Wellness’.