Category: Mental Health Support

Mental Health Awareness Month: Stronger Together Event 2024

Photo of event organisers

Last Wednesday, in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, Global Skills was proud to partner with Uniting NSW/ACT, headspace Chatswood, and Willoughby Council to host an inaugural ‘Stronger Together – Youth & Community Wellness’ event at Chatswood Mall.

Global Skills Extends Our Partnership with CatholicCare

CatholicCare counsellors and a Global Skills staff member standing in front of our GSPlus banner

Global Skills GSPlus service, in partnership with CatholicCare, is now offering face-to-face counselling sessions at Global Skills Gosford to support the mental health of our job seekers on the Central Coast.

World Mental Health Day 2023

vector image including flowers with outline of woman in foreground

Global Skills maintains an inclusive and supportive environment for our job seekers, staff and employers and offers a range of resources and tools to support wellbeing and mental health in the workplace.

Global Skills Promotes Mental Wellbeing

staff with MHFA trainer

As more Global Skills staff obtain their Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Certificate, it creates an opportunity for us to expand on the many ways Global Skills promotes the mental wellbeing of our job seekers.

Supporting Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace

A man and woman with cafe light and shelves in background

A mentally healthy workplace benefits every employee and every business, no matter the size or industry and is achievable for all organisations.

GSPlus: Confidential Support During Lockdown

vector image including flowers with outline of woman wearing mask in foreground

Our GSPlus telehealth service, in partnership with Uniting NSW/ACT, provides our job seekers with quick and free access to a range of qualified allied health professionals, including registered psychologists, via phone or video.