Scott begins his dream job 2 days after starting with Global Skills Workforce Australia Picton office
“Thank you for helping me find a job during my 1st appointment with Global Skills. It’s literally a miracle.”
Scott was recently referred to Global Skills Workforce Australia Picton office. He had been out of the workforce for a period of time. Scott’s Employment Consultant Brittany Baker, helped him update his resume and conducted a review of his transferrable skills and interests. Together, they got to work on identifying immediate job opportunities in the local area that would suit Scott. This included accessing local community job boards. Brittany helped Scott with his application, calling the employer. After an interview the next day, Scott was offered work. He started the day after – 2 days after his first appointment with Global Skills.
We recently caught up with Scott who said, “I love my new job and I am good at it. I work stacking boxes on pallets from a conveyor belt inside a giant freezer. I love working in the cold. This job is my dream job. The gym membership and freezer therapy is free along with many amazing, friendly people to work alongside. Bonus is awesome pay rates and work is just a 10-minute walk or 5-minute push bike ride from home.
“I highly recommend Global Skills Picton. Your service is excellent and stress-free. Your staff are fantastic. They are friendly, experienced and extremely helpful. Many thanks.”
Congratulations on your new position Scott and great work Brittany for your quick support.
We look forward to supporting Scott as he settles into his new role.