Category: Diverse Workplaces

Creating Diversity in NSW’s Largest Industries: Professional Scientific and Technical Services

An icon representing the Professional Scientific and Technical Industry within a map of NSW, set against a dark navy background. The icon is a computer monitor with an arrow pointing to the right.

In New South Wales, the Professional Scientific and Technical Services industry is the second largest, following Health Care and Social Assistance. This industry covers a wide range of services, such as scientific research, architecture, engineering, computer system design, legal and accounting services, advertising and market research, veterinary care, and professional photography.

Creating Diversity in NSW’s Largest Industries: Health Care and Social Assistance

Icon representing healthcare and social assistance within a map of NSW, set against a dark navy background

Health Care and Social Assistance is Australia’s largest industry. This can be attributed to several factors including an ageing population, more people with chronic conditions, increased health awareness, a focus on wellbeing and ongoing medical advancements. Since it employs the most people, it’s important for this industry to truly reflect the people it serves, including those with a disability.