older woman with laptop

Job Search Series: Set up your Career Profile and Job Alerts

Global Skills understands that navigating different websites and services online to assist with job search is not always easy, which is why we created our Job Search Series.

The second in our series, will help you create your career profile and set up job alerts on Workforce Australia Online.

A profile helps you connect with businesses and see jobs that match your skills and experience. If you set up job alerts, you will get an alert when a job is listed that matches your preferences.

Create your Workforce Australia profile

There are 2 ways you can create a profile:

  • upload your resume
  • create your profile from scratch.

Upload your resume

To upload your resume:

  • Sign in to your homepage through myGov.
  • Select the Workforce Australia icon.
  • Select your name in the top right menu.
  • Select Profile.
  • Select Update from a resume.
  • Select Upload resume.
  • Choose the file you want to use.
  • Tick the declaration box.
  • Select Save.

Your profile is automatically created from your resume. You may need to edit your profile to make sure its correct.

Create your profile from scratch

To build your profile you need to:

Sign in to your homepage through myGov.

  • Select the Workforce Australia icon.
  • Select your name in the top right menu.
  • Select each section you want to update:
    About me
    Licences and Certifications
  • Fill out each section.
  • Select Save.

To see what your profile looks like to employers:

  • Select More under your name.
  • Select Preview profile as seen by employers.

The video below illustrates the steps involved in creating your profile:

Set up your job alert

To set up your job alert:

  • Sign in to your homepage through 
  • Select the Workforce Australia icon.
  • Select your name and select Account.
  • Select Job preferences on the left hand menu.
  • Edit and update each section:
    Jobs you’re interested in
    Locations you’re interested in
    Types of employment you’re interested in
    Additional criteria you’re open to
    Your availability
    Modes of transportation
  • Select Save for each section.
  • Select Edit under Job alert.
  • Toggle the Job alert status to Yes.
  • Check the box where you want your alerts sent.
  • Check the box for how often you want to receive alerts.
  • Select Save changes.

The video below illustrates how to set up job alerts on Workforce Australia:

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Employment Consultant. We are here to help.