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Job Search Series: Set up a MyGov Account and link to Workforce Australia

Global Skills understands that navigating different websites and services online to support your job search is not always easy.

To assist, we are pleased to re-release our online Job Search Series including updated tips, tools, links and advice to help you find your next job.

The first in the series, will help you create a myGov account then link your account to Workforce Australia.

As a job seeker, you will need to have a myGov account. This is a simple and secure way to access online government services and is used to sign in to your Workforce Australia Online account.

Follow these steps to create a myGov account:

  1. Go to myGov and select Create account
  2. Select Continue with email.
  3. Agree to the terms of use and the privacy notice, select Next.
  4. Enter an Email address and select Next
  5. Enter the Code sent to your email, then select Next.
  6. Enter your Mobile number (optional) and select Next
  7. Enter the Code sent to your mobile phone and select Next
  8. Enter a Password and then Re-enter password
  9. Create your 3 Secret questions and answers. Choose from the list or create your own.

If you need more help, go to detailed steps on how to create a myGov account.

Follow these steps to link Workforce Australia to your myGov account:

  1. Sign in to myGov.
  2. Select View and link services.
  3. Select Link on the Workforce Australia tile.
  4. You’ll be asked to enter some details and then select Next.
  5. Choose where you want your activation code sent and select Next.
  6. Enter your activation code and select Next.

The Workforce Australia video below illustrates these steps.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Employment Consultant. We are here to help.