man wearing headphones

Job Search Series: How to Ensure Your Video Interview is Virtually Perfect

The seventh in our Job Search Series includes steps you can take to ensure your video interview is a success on the first take — because unlike TV or the movies you usually don’t get a second one.

Many employers are now conducting job interviews via video. Others may invite you for a pre-interview using video, so they can see if they would like to progress to a face-to-face meeting.

If you have a video interview scheduled or you want to be prepared for when you do, make sure you read our tips before making your small-screen debut in front of a potential employer.

In the days leading up to your interview:

  • Check your equipment is working including the sound
    Just like a real interview, you don’t want to be late or have any delays due to technology.
  • Check your software
    If you’ve been sent a video link check that you can access it in advance. If not, download the software/app you need.
  • If you’re using a video program like Skype or WhatsApp ensure your username and profile picture is professional.
  • Pick an area to set up that is going to be quiet
  • Make sure the background will be clear
    Set up with a neutral background like a wall, or check if the video app you are using can change or blur out the background. Don’t use your bedroom.
  • Check the lighting
    Always have the light source on your face, not in the direction of the camera.
  • Write your research and follow up question on post-it-notes
    Write your research and follow up questions on post-it notes so you can stick them around the screen on the day of your interview.
  • Practice in front of the camera
    Record yourself practising your interview answers and follow up questions. You could ask a friend, family member or your employment consultant to act as the interviewer.
  • Think about what you are going to wear
    Wear the same clothes you would if you were going to a to a face-to-face interview. If you would like some tips on dressing for an interview go to: Job Search Series: How to dress for an interview.

On the day of your interview:

  • Remove any potential distractions.
    You might need to put your dog in another room or get someone to look after your kids if you are likely to be interrupted.
  • Stick your research and follow up questions (prepared earlier on post-it notes) around the screen.
    Make sure you can read them easily from your chair.
  • Have a pen and paper ready, and a copy of your resume.
  • Make sure your device is set up so that your camera is at eye level and your whole head is in the shot.
    Set up your camera at eye level so you’re not hunching and the interviewer won’ t have to look up your nose. Move the camera so your face is in the centre.
  • Wear Headphones
    Wear headphones/earbuds with a microphone to ensure the interviewer can hear you clearly.

During your interview:

  • Make sure you look at the camera (and not the picture icon of yourself) to make ‘eye contact’.
    You want to show the interviewer/s you are present and engaged.
  • Don’t eat, chew gum or drink (except sips of water)
  • Sit straight and still (avoid slouching, squirming or looking away for too long)

Still need help?

We are only a phone call or email away. Our staff are more than happy to help you prepare for your video interview, including helping you practice.