Category: SkillUP Series

Global Skills SkillUP Series Part 5: Work for the Dole

woman holding a box of food

Are you a job seeker looking to enhance your skills and boost your employability? The Workforce Australia Work for the Dole program might be the perfect opportunity for you.

Global Skills SkillUp Series Part 4: Volunteer Work

woman with volunteer tag on lanyard around her neck

As a leading provider of Employment Services, Global Skills is committed to empowering you on your journey to sustainable employment. Today, we want to share a valuable strategy that not only makes a positive impact on the community but can give your job search a significant boost: volunteer work.

Global Skills SkillUp Series Part 3: Traineeships

man holding ipad

Global Skills understands that everyone’s employment journey is different and that’s why we provide a range of options to support you. In Part 3 of Global Skills SkillUP series, we highlight one specific avenue: traineeships.

Global Skills SkillUp Series Part 1: Transferable Skills

man with open notebook

Global Skills knows that finding the right job can be a challenging process, particularly when you don’t have all the required skills or experience for a specific role. However, we also know that transferable skills can help overcome this obstacle and open doors to new opportunities.