वैश्विक कौशल क्यों चुनें?

वैश्विक कौशल सबसे लंबे समय तक सेवारत सिडनी आधारित रोजगार सेवा प्रदाता है । वैश्विक कौशल स्थानीय स्वामित्व और संचालित है, और पिछले 30 वर्षों के लिए स्वीकार करते है कि हमारे नौकरी चाहने वालों और नियोक्ताओं के रूप में विविध और समुदायों में वे रहते है और काम के रूप में अद्वितीय है पर अपनी प्रतिष्ठा का निर्माण किया है ।

Our knowledge and connection to the Greater Sydney labour market and employers is our strength. We continue to invest in developing genuine relationships with local employers and complimentary services, including training providers so we can fast-track job seekers into local work.

indigenous young woman holding a folder
वेयरहाउस क्लाइंट

मुझे मदद कैसे मिलेगी?

Global Skills provides intensive, pre-employment support to develop practical skills; and connects our job seekers to education, training and local jobs.

Your dedicated Employment Consultant will work 1:1 with you to understand your strengths, needs, preferences and circumstances. Together, we will build a personal plan that will help you reach your goals.

Our offices are open on a full-time basis so whether you have a scheduled appointment or you need access to our job search centres your Employment Consultant will be available guide you. The Consultant will stay in contact with you, including after you start work if you need.

How do I access Global Skills' Workforce Australia services?

यदि आप Centrelink के माध्यम से आय समर्थन भुगतान पर हैं, जैसे JobSeeker, युवा भत्ता या पेरेंटिंग भुगतान, आप वैश्विक कौशल में शामिल होने के लिए पात्र हैं ।

जब आप पहली बार Centrelink के साथ रजिस्टर करते हैं, तो ग्लोबल स्किल्स या संपर्क Centrelink को संदर्भित करने के लिए कहें और हमें स्थानांतरित किए जाने पर चर्चा करें यदि आप पहले से ही किसी अन्य जॉबएक्टिव प्रदाता से जुड़े हुए हैं। वैकल्पिक रूप से, आप निकटतम वैश्विक कौशल कार्यालय को कॉल कर सकते हैं और हम मदद कर सकते हैं। आप यहांअपना निकटतम स्थान पा सकते हैं ।

lady with hijab sitting at table smiling at person next to her

Global Skills offers:

  • A vast employer network to support your employment and work experience goals
  • Mentorship from local employers
  • A diverse education and training network enabling courses in areas of high demand.
  • A strong collaboration with complementary employment programs
  • A diverse Health and Community Services network to support your needs
  • Access to our fully equipped job search hubs
  • A diverse workforce including multilingual staff and connection with Accredited Interpreters
  • A variety of ways to connect with us to suit your circumstance and needs
  • Financial support for relevant items such as training, tickets, licences, travel and interview or work clothing and equipment
  • Ongoing support once you start work/training/education.

अपने निकटतम कार्यालय का पता लगाएं

An icon representing the Professional Scientific and Technical Industry within a map of NSW, set against a dark navy background. The icon is a computer monitor with an arrow pointing to the right.

Creating Diversity in NSW’s Largest Industries: Professional Scientific and Technical Services

In New South Wales, the Professional Scientific and Technical Services industry is the second largest, following Health Care and Social Assistance. This industry covers a wide range of services, such as scientific research, architecture, engineering, computer system design, legal and accounting services, advertising and market research, veterinary care, and professional photography.

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