TtW Job Seeker Zachery Reaches Milestone

Congratulations to Global Skills job seeker Zachery Rogers on a huge milestone – landing his first job.

As a young job seeker from Lake Haven, Zachery (20) has been part of our Transition to Work program since July 2022. He has been working hard, together with his Employment Consultant Jess, to build his employability skills and confidence.

Zachery said, “Until now, the only work experience I have completed is some very casual lawn mowing work with my dad’s neighbour.

“Global Skills helped me broaden my skillset and helped me with my interview skills as well. I get so nervous with interviews because I don’t have the experience to talk about, so I really appreciated the help with that.

“Global Skills Employer Liaison Officer Tania and my Employment Consultant Jess sent my resume to Adecco and organised for me to undergo a paid work trial. I was then offered a full-time Production Worker job and started the following week. I am very grateful to Global Skills for helping me get this job and for all the support I received. Jess is a wonderful Employment Consultant. She has kept me focused, and is constantly there offering support if I need it.”

Congrats Zachery from the entire team at Global Skills on your first month of employment.

If you would like more information on Global Skills job seeker services, go to