Global Skills and Uniting NSW/ACT Continue Partnership to Provide Telehealth Counselling Services

Global Skills and Uniting NSW/ACT continue their partnership to provide telehealth counselling services to our job seekers.
Our GSPlus telehealth service offers quick and free access to a range of qualified allied health professionals, including registered psychologists, via phone or video.
Global Skills Director, Rebecca Nicholls, said the service aims to minimise the impact that mental health conditions or concerns have on job seekers’ ability to find and retain employment.
"我鼓励所有求职者与他们的Global Skills就业顾问联系,讨论如何获得这项服务。通过提供电话或视频咨询,我们正在使我们的求职者无论在哪里居住都能迅速获得认可的服务,这是实际可行的。"
If you would like further information ask your employment consultant or email