staff member at our stall

IDPwD: Join Global Skills at Day in the Park

Join Global Skills Disability Employment Services Manager Victoria Wellard at Nurragingy Reserve Doonside today from10am to 2pm for ‘IDPwD Day in the Park and Disability Awards’. This free community event is hosted by Blacktown City Council to celebrate International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD).

Everyone is invited to join this accessible and inclusive event which includes: the award ceremony (10.30am), art and craft, face painting and henna, information stalls, sunflower planting, ice-cream truck and coffee van, free BBQ and much more.

Global Skills stall includes information on disability employment, giveaways and a giant game of Connect 4. Come and say hello.

Attending an IDPwD event is an opportunity to be part of creating an inclusive and diverse community for the 4.4 million Australians with disability.

For more information on this event, go to

 For more information on IDPwD and to find an event near you, go to